Saturday, February 5, 2011


The City of Baltimore has cut the funding to The Poe House and Museum and the date set to close the house to the public, unless the city reverses its course, in June, 2012.

I've created a petition that is being signed by people from all over the world who care about the situation and the works and life of Edgar Allan Poe.

Here is the text of the petition. I hope that after you read it, you'll go to the petition site, sign it, and share the petition with your friends on facebook, twitter, blogs and websites. We must create awareness, and let the powers that be in Baltimore know they are making a mistake, and that they must KEEP THE POE HOUSE OPEN AND FUNDED!

The text of the petition:

To the Honorable Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, of Baltimore City

We, the undersigned, the citizens of Baltimore City, friends and visitors of Baltimore City, and people from around the world who hold Edgar Allan Poe in the highest regard as one of the key and most important figures in American literature,

NOW look to your bold leadership to

STOP the financially wasteful process of engaging a consultant or consultancy agency to force the Poe House and Museum in Baltimore to close or become “self-sustaining”; to

REVERSE the short-sighted decision to cut the funding of the Poe House and Museum in Baltimore in June, 2012; and to

CONTINUE to fund the Poe House and Museum in Baltimore. Now, beyond 2012, and in the future.

The Poe House is, itself physically, a little thing. As a “line item” in the City’s annual budget, it is a small thing (at current levels, only $80,000.00 to operate). Most museums and historic sites cannot survive as “self-sustaining”. But the rewards it brings to Baltimore is great. In terms of public relations and tourism, it is very great. In terms our culture and heritage, the rewards are immeasurable.

We are not here to do what has been done before. Past administrations have made regrettable, short-sighted mistakes by cutting the funding of many, now gone forever, Baltimore museums and historic landmarks. In hard economic times, times that all American cities face, we must not pawn our history for short-term gains. We must lead. Baltimore must shine a light, where others turn to darkness. Let us do the right thing, and not suffer shame and embarrassment in the eyes of the world.

Edgar Allan Poe is a giant in American Literature and its history. He is a “son of Baltimore”. His fans and devotees around the globe look to Baltimore, his final resting place, and especially the Poe House and Museum, as fixed beacons of his life and work. We must not let them down.

We look to your wise and forward-thinking leadership at this time TO CONTINUE THE CARE AND FINANCING OF THE POE HOUSE IN BALTIMORE, and thank you in advance for your decision to take action.



The link to the petition is HERE. Thanks for getting involved and helping!

-Mark Redfield

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